INBAK Berlin – Institute for Sustainability in Education Employment and Culture


Intention of the institute is the enhancement of sustainable development in education and
occupational training by research, exemplary developments, networking, consultation,
designing and other appropriate measures.


The institute originated in continuing Konrad Kutt’s engagement in the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB, Federal Institute for Vocational Training), where he did setup the key activities in occupational training for sustainable developement. This included pilot projects, a general occupational project on sustainable forestry, the buildup of a Good-practice-Agency with webpresentation, the presentation of the undesarbeitsgemeinschaft Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Federal study group on occupational training for sustainable development) with further activities within the framework of the UN-Decade Education for sustainable development.

Actual Focus in Berlin

Setup of a network specially for Berlin with varying specialist and ultidisciplinary focus on implementation in step with actual practise and didactic and methodic integration of the concept of sustainable development in occupational education and training.

Comprehension of Sustainable Development

Under sustainable development we understand the establishing and preservation of sustainability together with a well balances consideration of economic competitiveness, of ecologic compatibility and social and as well global fairness. The therefore necessary competences are communicated in many different parts of the educational system. They
become effective in occupational training, in both occupation and leisure and as well in corporate thinking and action.

In addition to the development of competence for individuals the INBAK Berlin targets also at sustainable development in enterprise and administration and hence at organisational, technical and cultural developments. In doing so the inclusion of cultural live, the creation of
cultural and intercultural competence are regarded highly inevitable and essential.

Sustainability and Culture

Specially a new interaction between sustainability in job and occupation and the so-called cultural and creative sector should be established. The cultural professions are already now an important part of occupation and creation of value, at the same time cultural activities in the context of unsalaried engagements become more and more important.

Sustainable development and the therefore necessary solutions will depend more and more on creativity than anything else.
INBAK hence will offensively include genres of fine arts (painting, music, literature) and sciences by organising events and small discussion groups for easy communication.

International Relations

The institute strives for international cooperation and an exchange of all involved in the educational process. For sustainable development a change of prospects both at the level of the learning and the area of research become more and more important. Please contact INBAK Berlin under the coordinates mentioned above under “Kontakt”.

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